Dress code
All required dancewear is available for purchase through Christina's Dancewear during office hours. Additionally, custom JMBS dancewear and apparel can be purchased through Jones Shirts and Signs.

Creative dance
Pink leotard
Pink convertible tights
Hair pulled up and out of face
For creative with tap: black Mary Jane tap shoes
Light blue or lavender leotard
Pink footed or convertible tights
Pink ballet shoes
Tap shoes
Hair pulled up and out of face

Beg. Ballet I-II & tap
Black leotard
Pink footed tights
Pink ballet shoes
Black Mary Jane tap shoes
Hair pulled up and out of face
Beg. Ballet Iii-Iv, tap & jazz
Same as Beg. I-II, plus:
Black jazz shoes
Optional black jazz shorts
int.-adv. ballet & pointe
Pink convertible tights
Black leotard
Pink ballet shoes and pointe shoes if applicable
Colored leotards can be worn on Saturday technique classes as well as the last lesson of the month during weekday classes.
Hair always in a bun

pre-teen, int. & adv. tap & jazz
Solid colored leotard
Jazz shorts or pants
Black or tan tights
Hair pulled up
Creative-Beg. IV
White fitted shirt
Black shorts
Black ballet shoes
Black or white socks
Int.-Adv. Ballet
White fitted shirt
Black ballet tights or leggings
Black ballet shoes
Black or white socks if not wearing tights
Optional dance belt
Pre-Teen, Int. & Adv. Jazz & Tap
Dance shorts or leggings
Fitted, solid-colored shirt
Jazz shoes
Tap shoes

Same as Int.-Adv. students or athletic attire — whatever feels most comfortable!